Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snow weekend in DC area, Feb 6-7. 2010

Well, this has been one interesting weekend. Friday I was allowed to leave at noon as the DC area was awaiting a snow storm of ginormous proportions! I went to the grocery store, and was happy to see that all the things I needed to buy were there, although I did have to stand in line for 30 minutes.

I was mad at the snow because it canceled pretty much everything that I have planned to do this weekend, and was really looking forward to. Oh well.

Well, when I woke up on Saturday morning, my "mad" state went through the roof. Why? Well, because there was no power in my apartment building. So I cleaned the kitchen, cooked a few things, read, took a nap, snapped this photo of a couple walking outside (I took it from my apartment on the 7th floor).

And then when there was still no power at 3 pm, and then at 5 pm, and then at 9 pm, I was beginning to go insane. I honestly cried. It was miserable. I had dinner by the candle light (I know, insanely romantic), and went to the gym, because the gym actually had electricity. At 9:40 pm I was done with my workout, but did not want to go back to the darkness. So I sat on one of the bikes and watched a movie (the gym at my apartment has TVs on bikes and ellipticals). And then, just as the movie was finishing at 11:30 pm, I saw the lights back on in my building. I was so happy, I almost cried (yes, I cry often I guess). It was amazing to have light and power and tv and Internet and hot water again!

Today I did a bunch of cooking (you'll be able to check it out on Mango & Tomato later this week), and then took a walk outside to capture some of the snow still remaining.

If you know me, you know I'm so not an animal person, but I could not help but take a photo of this squirrel.

And a great end to this weekend: no work tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Simones Kitchen said...

Despite all the trouble that weather like this is bringing; it looks gorgeous Olga! I love that shot of the couple walking in the snow!!

Sasha said...

Sorry you had such a miserable time surviving the power outage : (

At least you got some beautiful photos as a result of the storm.

Anja said...

Beautiful pictures! We could use some of that snow here!! Send it over please. Are you back to work?! It seems like you should invest in some cross country skis.

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