Last night I realized I had too much food in my refrigerator...this would typically not be a problem, but I'm leaving for the rest of the week to go to Nicole's wedding in Maine (Super exciting!!).
So I called Anna and asked for suggestions of what to make using tomatoes and cucumbers. She suggested gazpacho! I absolutely love tomatoes, so this was the perfect idea!
Ingredients: 2 tomatoes, 1/2 English cucumber, 1/2 cup of tomato juice, 1 clove of garlic, 3 broiled peppers (I used orange and yellow), salt and pepper to taste.
Directions: put all of the ingredients into a blender and blend away!
The soup turned out awesome! I topped it with some little Israeli crackers for some crunch. Definitely a great start to a dinner on a hot day.
For the rest of the dinner I made a salad that my parents used to make when I was little and we were on vacation. Combine cut up tomatoes, cucumbers, green onion, hard boiled eggs and boiled potatoes with mayonnaise. Add salt and pepper and ENJOY!
(Note: the original salad version had tomatoes, cucumbers, white onion and
sour cream).
Sorry, no pictures this time.