Saturday, October 27, 2007

Dinner: butternut squash with rice

I bought a butternut squash last week and it's been sitting on my counter for a week now, so I decided to make dinner using it. I am a bit tired of the pureed butternut squash soup and decided to roast it instead.

Directions: cut butternut squash into 4 pieces. Remove seeds and peel. Cut each piece into bite-size pieces. Coat with olive oil, salt, pepper, turmeric, a bit of cumin and chili (or any other spices you like). Preheat an oven to 425 degrees with a cookie sheet inside (similar to my roasting potatoes method). In a single layer put the butternut squash onto a preheated cookie sheet and bake for about 30-40 min or until the pieces are browned, tender on the inside and slightly crunchy on the outside.

I ate the roasted butternut squash with rice leftover from one of the SLT classes and a bit of fresh parsley sprinkled on top.


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