Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A cheap date

Tonight I had plans to see Sex & The City with Jenn. Being absolutely hungry the entire day, we decided to get a quick bite to eat before the movie and stopped at Subway: $5 footlong sandwich, one soda, and two cookies were under $8 (for two people)! And people think I require a lot of money: baloney!

The movie made me laugh, cry, squeam (is that a word??? in squeamish) and really want to have some guacamole! Alas, it's pouring outside and a trip to the grocery store is out of the question. And so I sit in my apartment, alone, with a laptop computer, typing this and looking out of the window on the falling very much like Carrie, but I don't have Mr. Big, or Manolo Blahnik shoes, or 3 published books, and I don't even have Cable (not that Carrie did) the question of the moment is whether to go to the gym so that I can see Top Chef...unlikely.

I'm happy I have a few good friends though.
Okay, this rambling is over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a cheap date! Thanks by the way:)