Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mango Lassi

Rachel at Coconut & Lime is celebrating her 4th year blogging anniversary with a contest. She asked her readers to make one of her recipes and let her know how it turned out. I chose Rachel's recipe for mango lassi.

In a blender, combine 1 mango (peeled and cubed), 1 cup plain yogurt, and 1/3 cup of milk. Rachel suggested using simple syrup to taste, but the mango I bought from the store was sweet as is.

This was a stupendously easy recipe and tasted great. I liked that there was no ice: so the final result was not diluted. I served this delicious drink in my favorite martini glass.


1 comment:

The Poor Dispositionist said...

Mango with vanilla soy milk is also delish.