Friday, June 6, 2008

I'm a stellar citizen

I'm so proud of myself. I received my economic stimulus check and I'm doing exactly what has been asked of me: spending the money to help the economy!

Just yesterday I bought tickets to go to Seattle in July: $660!

Then today I thought I should help out the economy a bit more and got a pedicure in big apple red.

Over the weekend, I'm planning to help out the local economy some more at Dupont Farmers' market, Starbucks and perhaps Beadazzled.

And why stop there? I'm sure I can think of many other ways to spend my check.

If anyone is doing the math, they'll notice that the amount I spent already is far and above the actual stimulus check. Well, yes, I want to prove my love for this country and make sure no one regrets awarding me the citizenship.

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