Took the Subway to Brooklyn to meet up with Jenny for brunch: I'm so happy she had so much time to spend with us this weekend :)

After brunch we walked around Brooklyn for a bit and then went back to Manhattan via the Brooklyn Bridge: what fun!
Misha, Anna, Jenny the siblings
just the twins (note the waterfall under the bridge in the background!)
The walk across the bridge only took about 30 minutes. Hot, crowded, but so well worth it! And we saw New York City Waterfalls: very cool!
After the bridge we headed to South Street because Chris told Jenny about a food market and suggested we check it out: great idea, Chris! On the way there we saw a mini "yard" sale and I bought a necklace, which I'm planning to revamp in Seattle (pictures to follow in a new post once the necklace is complete).
After only a few minutes at the market, it started to thunder, there was lightning, and then it RAINED, and RAINED, and RAINED. Good thing the market was right underneath the bridge, so we were covered.

We had some icecream, sampled chocolate milk (which Anna has in CIA: so rich!) and then I spotted oysters and had to have them! I'll spare you a picture of me eating them :)
After the market, and some shopping (okay, a bit of shopping: Misha looked bored to tears), we walked through the Financial District and after a tearful goodbye (jk!) with Jenny, we headed back to the hotel. Anna was catching a train with her friend Erica back to CIA and Misha and I were going to Penn Station to catch a bus back to DC.
Of course it rained again! And it was a pain to catch a cab and I was cursing left and right: very "lady-like," but when you only have a 10 minutes max to get to the station in order not to miss the bus, and the cabs are unwilling to take you anywhere but the airport, it's pretty much a necessity!
We had no time for dinner, and the bus wasn't going to stop for a food break until 3 hours into the journey. There was a guy in front of me who reclined his seat all the way back, and the TVs were broken. I wanted to cry. This actually reminded me somewhat of the road trip to Maine. NEVER AGAIN!
Did not get back to DC till after 10:30 and finally made it back to the apartment a bit after 11. Wow, what a long weekend, but what great fun overall!!!
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